
What up, what up! It’s Garage Gym Homie, and I’m here with Pre Workout World, the ultimate authority on pre-workout supplements. Today, we’re diving into NutriFitt SYMBIOTE High Stim Pre-Workout Whiteout. Is it worth it? 

Before we get into the details, please consider watching our video review of SYMBIOTE Pre-Workout. We leave no stone unturned in our reviews, and I’m excited to share my thoughts on this one.


NutriFitt has gained significant traction in the supplement community. Their products generate a lot of excitement, and for good reason. NutriFitt SYMBIOTE High Stim Pre-Workout Whiteout is a prime example of their dedication to quality and innovation. 

The company has transitioned from using illicit ingredients like DMHA to more compliant formulas, ensuring safety without compromising effectiveness. This move aligns with industry trends, and NutriFitt has nailed it with this pre-workout.

The Supplement Facts

Ingredients and Benefits

Let’s break down the ingredients of NutriFitt SYMBIOTE High Stim Pre-Workout Whiteout:

  1. L-Citrulline (4 grams): Pure citrulline for enhancing pumps and nitric oxide production, which improves blood flow to muscles.
  2. Beta-Alanine (4 grams): Provides the warm, tingly sensation and helps buffer lactic acid, enhancing endurance and reducing fatigue.
  3. Betaine Anhydrous (2 grams): Supports power output, making you feel strong and ready to tackle heavy lifts.
  4. Caffeine Blend (479 mg total, yielding 420 mg):
    • Caffeine Anhydrous: Regular half-life caffeine for immediate energy.
    • Caffeine Citrate: Fast-acting caffeine for a quick kick.
    • Di-Caffeine Malate: Slow-release caffeine for sustained energy. This blend ensures a balanced and powerful stimulant effect.
  5. Eria Jarensis (300 mg): A feel-good stimulant that pairs well with caffeine, enhancing mood and focus.
  6. Theobromine (100 mg): A cousin to caffeine that provides additional stimulation and mood enhancement.
  7. Halostachine (100 mg): Another stimulant that boosts energy and fat-burning.
  8. Bitter Orange Extract (80 mg): Contains synephrine, which increases heart rate and has fat-burning properties.
  9. Yohimbine HCl (3 mg): Provides additional stimulation and fat-burning, complementing the overall stimulant blend.
  10. Alpha Yohimbine (1.5 mg): Known as Alpha Yo, it enhances the stimulant effect, providing a clear-headed focus and increased energy.
  11. L-Tyrosine (1 gram): Supports mental clarity and focus.
  12. Choline Bitartrate (500 mg) & DMAE (500 mg): Both are nootropics that enhance cognitive function and focus.
  13. Cognatic & Neuravena (100 mg): Nootropic ingredients that provide a clear, focused mental state.
  14. Fit GBB (10 mg): A thermogenic ingredient that induces sweating without the uncomfortable side effects of higher doses.
  15. Bioperine (5 mg): Enhances the absorption of the other ingredients, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from each scoop.

What Does The Scale Say?

Unfortunately while the label tells us its 19g per serving, the scoop only gives us 16.8g, so you should definitely make sure to round that scoop to get a full serving.

Flavor and Experience

The Whiteout flavor is unique, and the powder sparkles when mixed, making it visually appealing. The taste is enjoyable, and the drink is easy to consume, even with all the potent ingredients packed into it.


This pre-workout is designed for those who love high-stim products. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Quick Onset: The effects kick in rapidly, especially on an empty stomach. Within 5-10 minutes, you’ll start feeling the beta-alanine tingles, signaling that it’s time to get serious about your workout.
  2. Energy and Focus: The blend of three types of caffeine provides a sustained, powerful energy boost. The combination of Eria Jarensis, Alpha Yo, and other nootropics ensures a clear-headed focus and enhanced mood. You’ll feel confident and driven, ready to push more weight and extend your workout sessions.
  3. Thermogenic Effects: The inclusion of Fit GBB and synephrine increases thermogenesis, helping you burn more calories and shed excess water weight. The 10 mg of Fit GBB is just right, inducing sweating without making you feel uncomfortable.
  4. Physical Performance: The high caffeine content and other stimulants elevate your heart rate and endurance. The absence of significant pumps makes it ideal for stacking with pump-specific supplements.

Final Thoughts

NutriFitt SYMBIOTE High Stim Pre-Workout Whiteout is a top-tier pre-workout for stim junkies looking for a powerful, focused energy boost. The comprehensive formula delivers on all fronts: energy, focus, mood elevation, and thermogenesis. While it lacks significant pump ingredients, it pairs perfectly with pump supplements, making it versatile for various workout needs.

This pre-workout has made my personal top 10 list, and for good reason. It’s consistent, effective, and provides a fantastic training experience. If you’re an experienced high-stim user, NutriFitt SYMBIOTE High Stim Pre-Workout Whiteout is a must-try.

Garage Gym Homie and Pre Workout World always give it to you straight. If you enjoyed this review, subscribe to our youtube channel. Even if you didn’t, subscribe anyway! Check out our written reviews for more in-depth analysis. Together, let’s get this dang pre-workout.

We’re out!